02 April 2006


The book: Performance and Reward

Click here to view the book on the publishers website. Google Preview is available through this site, allowing you to read most of the book and to search its pages.

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Click here to view the book on Google Books. It is possible to read most of the book from this site using a larger window than in Google Preview.

Performance and Reward was published in April 2006. The book reviews typical executive pay practices in the UK and highlights the problems that these cause. It also shows how the problems can be solved.

Most of the book is concerned with a detailed examination of the incentives arising from a typical executive reward package. Unfortunately the incentives are seldom properly focused on the creation of long term shareholder value. Short term, individualistic incentives are far too common, and the book shows how damaging these can be. The book proposes a new executive pay structure called a FILLIP, which ensures that executives have incentives to create shareholder value in the long term.

The last part of the book is concerned with the level of executive pay. It explains how the current very high levels of pay have come about and examines some of the problems that these have caused. The book highlights the limitations of a comparative approach to setting executive pay. It encourages remuneration committees to consider the leadership message that is conveyed by the level of executive pay.

The book is important reading for anyone directly involved in executive pay policy. Members of remuneration committees will find it particularly useful, although all directors of listed companies need to be aware of its main points. Activist shareholders, consultants, lawyers, accountants and regulators concerned with executive pay will find in the book an essential critique of current practice and constructive suggestions for making improvements.

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