02 April 2006
What can be done?
If you are interested in executive pay policy or serve on a remuneration committee then you should read the book. Use the link "View the book" on left.
If you are a private investor you could ask a question about executive pay at a company Annual General Meeting. You could ask:
If you are a private investor you could ask a question about executive pay at a company Annual General Meeting. You could ask:
- Given that sharholders are interested in the long term growth in value, why does the company operate such a generous annual bonus scheme based on one year targets?; or
- Has the remuneration committee examined the possibility of implementing a FILLIP structure for executive pay, as described in the book "Performance and Reward"?; or
- Does the company's remuneration policies provide any evidence that the directors are more concerned with creating value for shareholders than they are with their own personal rewards?
- Ask your MP if he or she supports an Office of Fair Trading investigation of executive pay.
- Ask your trade union whether it lobbies on executive pay, and whether it is aware of this website.
- Write letters to newspapers about executve pay.
- Tell your friends about this website.