11 February 2010


Changing the mindset

On 7th February 2010 (on ft.com) the Lex Column of the Financial Times published a note on Executive Pay. This can be seen at:
(Subscription may be required.)
I added the below comment:

Lex has precisely identified the problem with the “take one for the team”, “clubby remuneration committee” attitudes. The top people in business are now engaged in a game whereby they compete with each other to extract more and more value from the rest of the community. This is utterly wrong and completely unsustainable. A total change in mind set is needed. We need a global (or G20 wide) cap on pay from employments/directorships. This would promote and enforce the idea that an executive’s job is to work for the benefit of shareholders and wider stakeholders, not for his/her own benefit. This principle of fiduciary duty is fundamental to company organisation. Capitalism is doomed if we can’t get back to this principle.
More on a global pay cap at www.performanceandreward.blogspot.com

See links to "global cap on pay" and "Competition Law" in left hand column.

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